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Ready to take your early-stage business to the next level?ATB X supports select entrepreneurs by providing a program that includes space, mentorship, and a network catered to driving local entrepreneurship and innovation to new heights... |
Calgary Entrepreneur: From the ashes of Calgary's bad economy rises Poop HeartWhen the economy shits on you, you turn that stuff into rainbow coloured hearts and put it on pillows, mugs, and tshirts – at least that’s what Erin Moffatt did... |
Five stories of how Calgarians adapted to the sluggish economyWhen she was working for a junior oil company, Erin Moffatt made funny artwork on the side, but after she was laid off it became her full-time job... |
Poop Business: Top 5 Poop Businesses That Change The WorldPoop is often a taboo topic in Western world, but these poop businesses have proven just how beneficial it can be for the world. Below you will find top 30 poop businesses and innovations that are making world a better place. |
People frequently take stock and ask themselves, "What's missing in my life?" For Erin Moffatt the answer to that question was, one day: humorous, inoffensive and pretty art for her bathroom... |
Brett Wilson Cigar Room #2We had the one and only Brett Wilson on the show again this week! Unfortunately though he didn’t stop by to talk to us, he stopped by to talk to our rich friends Henry And Claude in the Cigar Room. |
Calgary artist's potty humor artwork aims to life lid on world sanitation issuesCalgary artist Erin Moffatt took what she called a "crappy" situation and turned it into the piles of colourful nuggets at the centre of her artwork with the hope of drawing attention to a cause close to her heart... |
Calgary artist dumps a knowledge bomb about world sanitationWhen the former engineer lost her job last year, she decided to take her passions – art and sanitation – and create a business out of them... |
Poop Heart KickstarterHi I'm Erin the founder and artist behind (warning I love poop puns) Poop Heart. We could all use a little more joy in our lives and I hope my art and products make you smile... |
UberPITCH: Calgary's Best Ideas On-DemandErin is a born and raised Calgarian and engineer turned entrepreneur after losing her job in the oil patch... |